
Our new ASA server focuses on PVE, with PVP enabled on certain maps. The main base (home map) on "The Island" is PVE. An additional zone/shield called "Massive Base Protection" (MBP) should be established. This is currently not a safebase, but serves as a marker for your own base and prevents rapid decay within the zone on the home map. On the regular PVP maps, "Gentleman PVP" with ORP applies. We value a friendly coexistence and expect fair gameplay.


  • PVE is the priority; PVP is allowed but not the sole main objective.
  • No harassment, insults, or offensive behavior in the game (this applies to players, tribes, or creature names).
  • Generally, no cheating, meshing, hacking, or exploiting game weaknesses.
  • Use of hard INIs is prohibited (settings that create an advantage in PVP and/or remove things from the game - e.g., removing leaves from trees, etc.). The gamma settings can be adjusted.


  • A tribe name must be consistent across the entire cluster, and no duplicate/similar tribe names are allowed.
  • On the two home maps, it is not allowed to be in two different tribes.

II. Bases (Home Map, Base, and Outposts)

In principle, a base should always be marked with "Massive Base Protection" (MBP).

  • The main base (home map) must be marked with a "Massive Base Protection LARGE" area. Additionally, vanilla ORP is activated.
  • Only one base per tribe is allowed on the "home map."
  • On each PVP map, one additional main base or an outpost can be built, which can be protected by ORP.
  • On the "rotation maps," only one outpost is allowed.

Home Map / PVE ('The Island')

  • The home map is PVE.
  • The main base (within a "Massive Base Protection") must be out of sight (render distance "high") of other players.
  • No opposing player may disturb the PVE within your own main base (i.e., no pulling in animals, etc.)
  • Turrets may only be placed within the "Massive Base Protection."
  • No aggressive animals may be left outside the base.
  • A raft or a motorboat outside the main base is allowed.

PVP Maps (Official Maps)

  • The maximum size of the base is 70 foundations in diameter. This can be measured with the ORP (HyperORP).
  • A base should be built out of sight of another base.
  • No SPAM outside the 70 foundations (see also III. Building Rules).

Outposts (Official Maps, DLC Maps)

  • Maximum size: 8x8x8 foundations. This can be measured with the "Massive Base Protection."
  • No automation (Gacha, crafting stations, greenhouses, etc.), no breeding, or leaving animals outside permanently.

III. Building Rules


  • No reservations or spam with foundations and pillars.
  • Building and turret placement is prohibited at important PVE locations (on all maps including PVP) and their access points such as obelisks, caves with bosses & artifacts, aberration surface, spawn areas of rare creatures (entire wyvern canyon, magmasaur, rock drake, reaper queen) or PVE content in general (open-world bosses, explorer notes, volcano/tek cave, ...).
  • Exceptions:
    a) On the home map, a base can also be within an explorer note, but it must then be accessible to other players.
    b) On the PVP maps, building is allowed in caves as long as access for regular players to the artifacts & co. remains easy (on foot).
  • Avoid building on player spawn points.
  • Prohibition of inaccessible (meshing), multiple stacked (stacking), invisible, flying, or indestructible structures.
  • Ratholes are only allowed as long as the character can enter and exit the spot without assistance.
  • Generally, no simplifications for loot drops or PVE content are allowed (e.g., no use of beds directly in caves to farm loot drops).
  • The limitations under settings must be independently monitored and adhered to.

Massive Base Protection (MBP)

  • Every main base on a home map must provide a Massive Base Protection LARGE (MBP), otherwise the base will be automatically destroyed after 7 days from the start of construction.
  • This indicates the maximum base size and can be established on all maps (LARGE = main base, SMALL = outpost).

Hyper's Offline Raid Protection (ORP)

On the PVP maps, an ORP can be placed.

IV. Automation Rules

  • The structure limits according to settings -> Limits (per base) must be adhered to.
  • Limitation of automations as follows and must be independently monitored by each tribe:
    a) 8 gachas per map and a total of 16 gachas in the entire cluster.
    b) 50 crop plots per map (if a main base is present).
    c) 3x crystal crackers, 3x item collectors, 1x farmer, 1x gardener, 5x hatchery, and 1x nanny (without imprint) per map.
    d) Snails and dung beetles must be manually limited to 5-10 animals each.
    e) Hitching posts only for babies and a few snails/beetles; please limit the amount to 3-5 per base.

V. Breeding / Animals

  • No animal stacking; animals should only be positioned with riding and whips.
  • Animals should only be tied to a hitching post for growing (no breeding). Exceptions are dung beetles and snails.
  • No passive/offline breeding by setting animals to "wander" (except for the aforementioned snails and beetles).
  • Actively exploiting negative stats in breeding animals is not allowed.
  • On the home maps, it is not allowed to draw breeding lines from an opposing base in any form.

VI. PVE & PVP Rules

We play a kind of gentleman PVP. Raiding a base and looting players is allowed, but with moderation. Completely destroying a base just because it is possible should be avoided. The rules listed here and the official rules from Wildcard apply.

Prohibited are...

  1. Cheating and Exploits:
    • Any form of cheating (e.g., aimbot, speed hacks).
    • Account sharing.
    • Using bugs or unintended game mechanics (e.g., meshing, massive placement of C4 for defense).
    • Mesh biting with mek, titan, velo, giga, carcha, or arthro – even without a saddle.
    • Mesh 3rd person C4 explosion placements.
    • Hard head glitching.
  2. Causing Lag and Crashes:
    • Connecting multiple large turret towers (snap points).
    • Stacking vaults multiple times.
    • Massively throwing out several hundred fertilized eggs.
    • Massively spamming dinos on opposing turrets (5-10 animals simultaneously in shooting range are acceptable).
  3. Structures and Building:
    • Flying structures.
    • Building in knock-out, zipline, grappling hook, kaprosuchus/pelagornis, mesh, or chair spots.
    • Abusing stacked structures (more than 2).
    • No building of pillars on vaults or multiple vault stacking.
  4. Abuse of Gameplay Mechanics:
    • Constantly changing the shield size with the tek forcefield.
    • Using the forcefield range to block players or dinos multiple times.
    • Holding players outside of an active raid (maximum 3-5 minutes, no multiple holds).
    • Basilisks on ramps or head glitching within a forcefield.
    • Abusing platform saddles (fully enclosed dinos are prohibited; only structures above the saddle are allowed).
  5. PVE
    Since the home map is PVE, the usual PVE rules apply there, such as not kiting animals into another base. Own animals may also not be left outside of your own base. Additionally, no annoying other players, as well as no stealing of eggs. Loot bags may be taken freely, and it is recommended for theft protection that all players keep their chests and workbenches securely stored within a house!
  6. Miscellaneous:
    • Popcorning to intentionally destroy loot.
    • Duplicating or keeping duplicated items.
    • Turrets on farm spots or spawn areas may only be used temporarily for personal protection, but not for farming players.
    • Open turrets are only allowed during active PVP or farming and must be dismantled afterward.
    • Abuse of transmitters, replicators, or generators.


  • 09.02.2025: Initial rules established