
Caballus is a world born from heat. Grown from lava, cooled and hardened in the wild sea. The largest of the caballine islands. The still intact volcano has formed a multifaceted world over millennia, with a variety of biomes, resources, and life forms. It wasn't long before this piece of land was uninhabited. Ancient nomads were the first to reach the shores of neighboring islands, until they discovered the wealth of resources in Caballus. The various nations were all equestrian peoples: numerous, with strength and experience in war; always with the goal of achieving prosperity and making progress. They have greatly changed Caballus, but as a completely new world, Caballus turned everything upside down. New creatures were fought, nations continued to form, domestication began, new battles had to be won, and leaders were overthrown. But who has remained? Greed is a sin: Caballus remained with the wild creatures, the remaining horses, ruins, and hidden treasures. Were they the first? Even this civilization has not uncovered all the secrets of this graceful, beautiful world. What is your decision? Cooperation or war? Which of the equestrian peoples fits your character? Three nations fought for Caballus: The Blue Scythians, who populated the areas of Griffin Mountain, Redwood, and the snow-covered region. The Green Huns, who conquered the grasslands, the swamp, and the jungle. Lastly, the Red Csíkos, who managed the wild and threatening volcanic area with the Black Plains and the steppe.…