Install missing xaudio.dll for a Linux ARK Survival Ascended server.

This is only needed in rare cases where a server mod wants to access a library (DLL) xaudio.dll and this is not present in an installation like with Docker/Proton. Because usually a server does not require audio functions!


In such a situation, the server crashes immediately after starting; the following is visible in crashcallstack.txt (excerpt):

Fatal error! Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000000000
CL: 668463 0x000000004201688b 
xaudio2_9.dll!UnknownFunction []


The solution is to obtain the xaudio2_9.dll from Microsoft and place it in the Win64 folder where the ArkAscendedServer.exe is located.



  • Visit the NuGet Gallery website (…)
  • Download the "Microsoft.XAudio2.Redist" package (on the right side of the website under "Download package")
  • Open the file as a ZIP file (if necessary, simply append a new file extension with .zip)
  • Now extract the 64bit xaudio2_9redist.dll (usually located under: \build\native\release\bin\x64)
    extract xaudio

Installation on Linux Server

  • Connect to the server, e.g., via WinSCP (
  • Now find the folder where "ArkAscendedServer.exe" is located, usually under "ShooterGame/Binaries/Win64"
  • Copy the DLL into this "Win64" folder and rename it to "xaudio2_9.dll"
  • Check and adjust permissions if necessary so that User = r,w,x / Group = r,w,x / Other = r,x (octal = 0775).
    set xaudio permissions


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