Astraeos and Maeguana (v61.14)


New DLC Map Astraeos

The wait is over – Astraeos, the stunning map by Nekatus, sponsored by Nitrado, is officially released as a partner DLC! Originally planned as our premium map surprise for June, we are bringing you this mythical world earlier than expected. Starting today, it is available for $14.99 as a fully integrated DLC – instead of a premium mod.

With an area of ~264 km², this vast, ever-expanding landscape seamlessly connects with the main clusters on the official servers. But this is just the beginning – just like the legends that inspired it, Astraeos will continue to grow, with new realms, challenges, and updates shaping the world over time.

New Tameable Creature: Maeguana

Along with this map, you will encounter a new creature: the Maeguana. Its nurturing nature helps you raise your babies, and its skin membrane guides you to safety.

This impressive variant of the Maewing combines the agility of its counterpart with a robust, reptilian appearance – worthy of the gods of the pantheon.

Love Ascended is now live!

  • Lovebugs are no longer aggressive
  • Love Bug Hearts have been renamed to Love Hearts
  • New Lovebirds added that occasionally fly around and increase taming affinity and effectiveness for tamed creatures

Gameplay Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Gachas and other creatures frequently spawned in the mesh in the sunken forest on Extinction
  • Fixed a problem that caused the mouse to lose focus after the console window was opened
  • Fixed an issue with a problematic OSD location on Extinction where enemies always spawned in the mesh
  • Improved spawn positions of enemies at OSD/Element veins in general to prevent them from falling into the terrain or getting stuck
  • Fixed an issue where terminals on Extinction sometimes appeared invisible
  • Reduced the range of the Gen scanner (without target mode) to improve client framerate when equipping
  • Fixed an issue where the roar ability of the Giganotosaurus was incorrectly replaced by a bite attack
  • Fixed an issue where the hit VFX of the Tek gloves persisted after using a Tek teleporter
  • Revised the attack pattern of the wild female Rhyniognatha to make the fertilization attack more reliable on overloaded servers
  • Prevented placing C4 on the tentacles of the Tusoteuthis to avoid damaging structures through the mesh
  • Fixed an issue where the drowning voice line of the player was not played correctly in a loop
  • Speculative fix for the Dreadmare Black Hole, where released creatures sometimes fell through the mesh
  • Fixed an issue where garages were not destroyed if they had no foundation support
  • Reduced the radius of the Tek cave boss arena teleport to prevent players from spawning in the geometry
  • Fixed an issue where hotbar items were moved to the player inventory when dragged into a remote inventory
  • Fixed an issue where snow owls did not always move consistently when following
  • Added collision to various BattleRig equipment models so players can stand on them
  • Fixed an issue where decoration boxes on BattleRigs did not always display the applied decoration correctly
  • Fixed an issue where ghost objects were created when dragging over the custom cosmetic inventory
  • Fixed an issue where cosmetic objects (if any) were counted twice when added to the quick access bar
  • Fixed an issue where items in the hotbar were counted twice when players switched servers
  • Fixed an issue where fire wyverns from the forest titan boss fight could grief players in PVE
  • Fixed an issue where characters got stuck in place after their controlled scout was destroyed
  • Disabled a console command that allowed players to see through the terrain
  • Fixed a frequent client crash that occurred when leaving a single-player session or server
  • Fixed several exploits



  • Spawn of the Maeguana will be added to Scorched Earth
  • New map Astraeos will be available as Daily Rotation

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