It's essentially my own UI which visualises some of the great work by others who have worked on parsing the save file data and providing "toolkits" for others to use.
ASV (ARK Savegame Visualisier)
Admin / Trusted Player Tool - Game Save Visualiser
Just a quick post of my own instead of hijacking others and name-dropping a new tool I've been working on.
It's essentially my own UI which visualises some of the great work by others who have worked on parsing the save file data and providing "toolkits" for others to use.
The work was originally based on a java based utility called ark-tools which used ark-savegame-toolkit to output JSON text files which encouraged me to make something simple to list the information in master/detail grids. For more information on his work check out his GitHub repository - - Thanks for the inspiration @Qowyn
He was obviously an inspiration to others as his work was converted into a language I'm a LOT more familiar with and once again provided as a library/toolkit I could work with. It's called the ARKSavegameToolkit and you can find out more information over at
I'm now aware that a similar project was undertaken called Larkator by @coldino so please feel free to check his work out - if I hadn't already started this before discovering his it would also have been a good influence.
- Information:…
- Source Code:…
Anyway this is what I'm working on:
Save Game Support:
- Auto download of save data from FTP servers.
- Limited single player support (wilds just dont spawn unless the player is around em)
- Offline save game support.
Supported Maps:
- The Island
- The Center
- Scorched Earth
- Aberration
- Extinction
- Ragnarok
- Valguero
- Crysyal Isles
- Genesis
- Genesis 2
- Astral ARK
- Hope
- Tunguska
- Caballus
- Fjordur
- Tiamat Prime
- Glacius
- Antartika
- Lost Island
- Olympus
- Ebenus Astrum
- Amissa
Structure Locations
- Choose which structures to display on the map and click on the image if you prefer a more detailed list.
- Beaver Dams, Wyvern Nests, Deino Nests, Water/Oil/Gas Veins, Obelisks and Artifact crates.
Custom Map Markers
- Add custom map markers to keep track of things
Creature Locator:
- Displays a drop-down with summary information on wild or tamed creatures showing a count, min level and max levels.
- Selecting a creature from the summary list will show a detailed grid and add blue markers to the map showing the approx. locations.
- The detailed grid shows you the gender, location, levels and number of wild/tamed points allocated to each stat.
- Ancestor Views for selected tamed creature.
- Inventory view for selected tamed creature.
Player Locator:
- Allows selection and drill-down of players by Tribe
- Displays detailed list of player locations, levels, stat allocations and last played date/time.
- Tribe/Player inventory views for selected player.
- Tribe/Player tamed creature view.
- Tribe logs
Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
Install .Net 6.0
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dotnet/backports
sudo apt-get install -y dotnet-runtime-6.0
Install ASV
Download ZIP Datei:
Entpacke/Nutze nur den Ordner mit ".net6.0"
dotnet ASVExport.dll <command> <input-arkmap> <output.json>
Beispiel für alle gezähmten Kreaturen auf Island
dotnet /home/ark/share/ASV/ASVExport.dll tamed /home/ark/var/asv-map/TheIsland.ark /home/ark/var/asv-json/theisland_tamed.json
Befehle/Parameter sind:
- all (<output> should be directory not file.)
- map
- structures
- logs
- tribes
- players
- wild
- tamed